I know we have all faced significant challenges in life over the last nine years—and yet, when we choose our hard, when we choose to build endurance, we can make our country more just and free. The goal of raising $2,000 in monthly contributions matters because the stakeholders that we serve deserve the best service we can give them.
What David McCullough Wrote
The lonely beach where the Wright Brothers from Ohio created the first airplane has been, for me, one of the chief sources of inspiration for Volume One and all of our work together so far. And having worked in politics, and seen the problems firsthand—and participated in them—I know that the mission to inspire American unity is a critical element of making our country more just and free.
Our Generation
Fast or Far?
My vision for Liberatus is not to create a personal brand. After a traumatic brain injury, I of course would like to go fast because I want quick wins, and the societal dignity that comes with them. But making our country more just and free is about going far together. Before she led free people away from the abusers who treated them like slaves, Harriet Tubman survived a brain injury too.
After Volume One
The participation by Liberatus stakeholders in the mission to inspire American unity over the last nine years made it possible to publish 19 writers, include 60 people in content creation, create and ship 215 copies of Volume One to people in 21 states so far, and contribute $666 in funding to three partner organizations to fuel their work to care for people who have been displaced or marginalized.
When David McCullough Looked at Me
Over the last nine years, more than 200 stakeholders have brought the mission to inspire American unity to life. Thank you to all of you for your shared passion! We all want leaders who make our country stronger. We want a basic sense of sanity and justice. We want quality craftsmanship, and we want to make the next generation stronger.