Write with us
Mission: Create a culture of American unity for the next generation by producing content, experiences, and leaders that inspire it today. 20% of future donations made in support of print* will fund our partners creating a culture of unity across the United States.
Liberatus is first a creative outlet for professionals in American politics to write about healing or unity. While there’s value in listening to or reading the works of other thinkers and leaders, including the books in our leadership library, what we offer you as a political professional is the creative space to craft your own ideas and write in your authentic voice within an expansive vision for American unity. There is no perfect tribe of expert, charismatic leaders we should all go follow; we are all leaders, and leadership is service, and Liberatus is your outlet to build endurance and grow into your calling to lead for American unity.
Writers with professional experience in American politics or government who are advocates for the Liberatus vision, mission, and values are welcome to apply to write with us. If we haven’t already met, we will be in touch to set up an interview.
Other works that inspire our approach to storytelling include The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen, The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum, and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.
Before you write
Before you apply to write with us, apply to join the Liberatus Leadership Council.
“Writing is not just jotting down ideas. Often we say: “I don’t know what to write. I have no thoughts worth writing down.” But much good writing emerges from the process of writing itself. As we simply sit down in front of a sheet of paper and start to express in words what is on our minds or in our hearts, new ideas emerge, ideas that can surprise us and lead us to inner places we hardly knew were there.
One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see.”
Please note that writers may publish under their own name or anonymously. Because of the authenticity we pursue in the journal, writers are free to share or withhold their involvement with the Liberatus writing team with others. Liberatus reserves the right to edit, reject, or publish all works submitted.