The Beginning Again

The Root of Division

The Root of Division

We can be proud of our country, but we can’t rewrite history to say that all people were included. Still, it stands to reason that any objective fault we might find with the generations before us will also be found in us by the generations after us. It’s imperative that we work to make the country more just and free so that the next generation is stronger, so they can take up the quest for the generation after them too.

The Root of Ideology

The Root of Ideology

Since the cycle of dysfunction begins with ideology, we should explore its root, the reason for that root, and we should explore the way out to freedom so that we can find relief from it. For this series, I am defining ideology not simply as having ideas for possible solutions that we then consult with each other about, but rather ideas that don’t take into account the full picture and are then polarized to force us to take sides.