The Beginning, Again

The Beginning, Again

Issue 021: The Beginning, Again. In 2015 we took up the creative pursuit of truth and beauty through an online journal, and invited readers into the pursuit. Now, nine years later, with 19 writers with firsthand professional experience published across 140 digital journal entries and Volume One, we begin again. In the weeks that follow, this journal series will cover the cultural norms of ideology, division, and burnout, which make up the cycle of dysfunction.


   issue 019: the trailhead—leadership for american unity      Issue 019: The Trailhead—Leadership for American Unity is a companion series to Liberatus Volume One, and both were made possible by the many contributors to and    creators of L

Issue 019: The Trailhead—Leadership for American Unity One of America’s first political cartoons is a message of unity. Published in 1754 by Benjamin Franklin, it depicts the now familiar image of a snake severed into pieces, each representing the colonies. With the image, a declaration is written: “Join, or Die.”

Unity is a choice, and we all know the effects of disunity. President Washington warned us about them in his Farewell Address. But how do we choose unity? How do we offer leadership for American unity as the purpose of any professional work in American politics and government?


   Issue 017: Visioneering  Shadows trail across the George Washington Memorial Parkway. The morning sun, rising on the far side of the Potomac, is now wide awake. Reaching for the trees—and beneath them the runners along the Mount Vernon Tr

Issue 017: Visioneering As we compile a print journal on wholeness in politics, in this Visioneering journal series we will explore the problem in politics, the solution, and our creative challenge; how we can create a new category for political engagement; and how you can give peace a voice in Washington.


   Issue 016: RE-CREATION   Re-Creation.  When we take part in  recreation , how can we focus that time on pursuits that help us  re-create  in politics? At a deeper level, what activities help us experience the life of Jesus more fully? How

Issue 016: Re-Creation When we take part in recreation, how can we focus that time on pursuits that help us re-create in politics? At a deeper level, what activities help us experience the life of Jesus more fully? How does his life move us towards wholeness, towards the relief of being set free from political dysfunction? These were the questions we posed to our community of writers for our sixteenth journal series.


   Issue 015: A New Era  A New Era. Now it begins. But hope is cold, as cold as stone, as cold as night.  When the turbulent January air sings it sounds like ice.  Cold scatters crowds but instead we gather.  We are frozen but we’re searchin

Issue 015: A New Era Now it begins. But hope is cold, as cold as stone, as cold as night. We are frozen but we’re searching for power. The stage is packed but the script is empty. The curtain rises but it’s the audience acting. A new era begins but we’re building ruins. Greek columns can’t hold the weight of right now. Healing is now, beneath these snow-chilled stones. 


   Issue 013: Olympic Gold  Congress could be as inspiring as the Olympic Games.  When we talk about inspiration, we’re not talking about a cheap feeling of euphoria.  Olympic Gold isn’t won only by dreaming. It’s a consuming lifestyle, in i

Issue 013: Olympic Gold An athlete races down the track, forward. The confines of her single lane are conquered by her relentless speed. The human body, in full motion, beautifully alive—she hits her stride. The finish line, once towering high above her, now slips beneath her feet, slips away behind her.

Congress could be as inspiring as the Olympic Games. 


   Issue 012: The Great Outdoors  When we step away from our work, we discover insights that make us better at whatever we do. As Jonathan Fields writes in his book   Uncertainty  , sometimes it is undoing that plants the seeds for the great

Issue 012: The Great Outdoors Maybe what our city needs—to discover a deeper knowledge of freedom—is a little more wind on our faces, a little sunburn, a scent from a memory that should never be forgotten. Maybe coming to our senses in politics is literally as simple as coming to our senses. What if, while we explore, we take notes of all we’ve learned? 


   Issue 011: Energy  What if the energy of abundant life can fill our work for all of our days? And what if its rhythm becomes the natural flow of any human endeavor?  Creating beauty calls us to live true to the rhythms of human energy. Ho

Issue 011: Energy What if the energy of abundant life can fill our work for all of our days? And what if its rhythm becomes the natural flow of any human endeavor? Creating beauty calls us to live true to the rhythms of human energy. How do we capture it, use it, restore it—and create, again and again? 


   ISSUE 010: BEAUTY FROM ASHES  Beauty rises from the ashes. Can it be possible?  At the end of a desert journey, after what we think we know has been undone, when our political categories are shattered, and the dream of saving America has

Issue 010: Beauty From Ashes Beauty rises from the ashes. Can it be possible? At the end of a desert journey, when our political categories are shattered and the dream of saving America has run its futile course, we are empty. The truth is we’ve all had a part in the horror of political dysfunction. The incredible news that cannot be contained is we all get to write the story of restoration. 


   Issue 009: A Desert Journey   A Desert Journey.  Why is it that dreams of a rich, full life so often bring us desolation instead? For followers of Jesus, the idea has added significance: he spent forty days in the wilderness before t

Issue 009: A Desert Journey A new hope begins to stir. Stipped to the bare essence of existence, we find as we wander through the desert that old and worn ideas connect to form new ideas, a fresh perspective. The uncanny paradox is that in a place seemingly empty of life, out of the ashes life begins anew. We journey through the desert not to die, but to be reborn.