The values of freedom

Mission: Create a culture of American unity for the next generation by producing content, experiences, and leaders that inspire it today.

The freedom of the children of God is relational, and we were created to reflect our Creator. These are the values that guide us as we work to inspire American unity and live as people who are free.



Commit & communicate.

Unity pursued amid diversity for a common purpose; relational humility; forgiving in the knowledge that we have been forgiven 

John 17:20-21


Stay grounded.

Wisdom prized above all else, deeply knowing who we are in God; seeing evil within before projecting it without; passion born from lament; patiently taking focused action for the flourishing of our culture 

I Peter 1:13; Matthew 7:1-5; James 1:5, 3:13-18


Create value consistently.

Authentically exploring what hasn’t been done before; artistically reflecting the goodness of God in our work; continually growing by tearing down and building up 

Colossians 1:15-17; John 21:25


Pray in nature.

Complexity’s creative reward when understood and mastered; the spiritual relief of seeking the Kingdom first 

Matthew 6:7-14, 25-29; Luke 6:12


Build endurance.

Endurance in life’s journey; all-around fitness; the joy of intentionally experiencing beauty as we trailblaze new endeavors 

Hebrews 11:13-16; I Corinthians 13:4-7


Rest holistically.

Holistic rest when not creating; grateful prayer, confident there is no condemnation; identities at rest as free children of God; letting go to let God's Spirit restore us 

Romans 8:14-15, 38-39; Galatians 5:13-26


Embody the ethos.

Quality achieved by navigating quantity; truth and beauty integrated, pointing to the life of God in all we create 

Revelation 21:3-4; I John


Philosophy of Freedom in Political Engagement